French Language Services
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Durham CAS recognizes the importance of providing services that meet the diverse cultural, religious and communication needs of the communities we serve. We are working to enhance our capacity to provide extensive services in French. We have some staff who are dedicated to provide francophone services, and we are working to enhance capacity in all areas of the agency.
Ontario is home to more than 620,000 Francophones, representing the largest French-speaking community in Canada outside of Quebec. We recognize the important role that the Francophone community has played in building this province, and that there was a need for special attention in our vulnerable communities. We acknowledge French-speaking families’ right to receive services in French, and our agency is actively offering equitable and inclusive services in French via staff whenever possible and with interpreters and translators.
Offering French Language Services is part of our agency’s commitment to equity and to removing barriers to ensure all services are accessible and inclusive and to help ensure better outcomes for French-speaking children, youth, and families. Initiatives such as One vision One voice, 2SLGBTQI+ initiatives, and Truth and Reconciliation commitments align with the fact that there is an intersection between all of these initiatives and the fact that francophone children, youth and families living in Ontario are represented in these groups.
We do have francophone staff who are available to present to organizations, schools, daycare centres, service clubs or businesses in French if you would like to learn more about Durham CAS. Please contact us to learn more.