About Us
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Durham Children’s Aid Society is mandated to provide child protection services to children and youth under the age of 18 and their families, who live in Durham Region.
We work with families and our community partners to help children grow up safe, healthy and happy. In most instances, we are able to keep children safe in their family home by working with parents to address any challenges they may be facing.
Children’s Aid Societies are regulated by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) and governed by the Ontario Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA). We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.
Durham Children’s Aid Society strives to ensure the safety and well-being of children and youth in the community, with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. We partner with parents, caregivers and community to provide a safe environment for children and youth, through equitable, culturally aligned services.
Keeping children safe is a community responsibility.
We receive many calls each year from concerned citizens, teachers, police, other agencies, and health care professionals about children and families who may need help. Families may be facing challenges such as poverty, unemployment, ill health, intimate partner violence, or mental health issues. Some families just need parenting support. When a family needs support, we link them to a variety of community services. Together, with community service colleagues, we work with children and families for a stronger, healthier community.
Under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, Children’s Aid Societies are mandated to:
- Investigate allegations or evidence that children under the age of 18 may be in need of protection
- Protect children where necessary
- Provide support to families for protecting children or preventing circumstances requiring the protection of children
- Provide care and supervision for children assigned or committed to its care
- Facilitate the adoption process for children when needed
We believe that children belong with their families and our work is done with families and children in their own homes.
For children and teens who are unable to safely remain in their own home, or have no parent or guardian available, we ensure they are placed in a safe and caring environment with members of their extended family (kin), family friends, or a foster caregiver. Many of the children who come to foster families have experienced some form of abuse or neglect and need a loving, stable environment to help them recover from their experience. We provide ongoing support to children in care and their kinship or foster caregivers.
Vision & Mission
Families receive the support and resources needed to thrive in their cultures and communities.
Durham Children’s Aid Society works collaboratively with families, community members and service providers to overcome barriers to safe and healthy development of children and youth.
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Striving for excellence: Strategic Plan 2021 to 2025
In 2021-2022, we underwent an extensive community consultation in reviewing our services and practices to ensure that we are responsive to our community’s needs. In September 2021, we launched our Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. Our vision, mission and declarative statements were updated. The resulting strategic plan identifies priorities and directions that will guide us in delivering high quality services in response to evolving community needs.
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