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Youth Pride

We are committed to supporting all children, youth and families, including those from the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. This includes ensuring that our services are affirming and supportive, as well as collaborating with community partners to provide information, services, and events.

In 2018 we launched Youth Pride. With several community partners we hosted a festival featuring entertainment and our first Resource Village, with information booths hosted by dozens of community agencies. We were pleasantly surprised how many families with young children attended, which highlighted the need for events for families with small children. The following year, we launched Drag Queen Storytime in partnership with all eight of the municipal libraries in Durham Region.

We have been asked about why we need Youth Pride and why organizations such as Durham CAS and public libraries are presenting Youth Pride and Drag Queen Storytime.

We are involved because children and parents who identity as 2SLGBTQIA+ need to know that organizations in our communities, and the people at those organizations support, respect and care about them, and will stand up and advocate for them.

We get involved so we can work with fellow 2SLGBTQIA+ advocates and allies to raise awareness and help inform others who are learning about the challenges faced by individuals who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+. We strongly believe that advocacy and education should not rest solely on the shoulders of 2SLGBTQIA+ advocacy organizations. We all need to take some responsibility to ensure that everyone is welcomed, loved, respected and empowered.

In addition to our public events, we also have a Live Proud Employee Resource group who provide support to our own staff who may be working with children, youth and families who identify, as well as working to address issues in the workplace to ensure that our own 2SLGBTQIA+ staff are supported and feel safe.

Please see below for a video featuring the Drag Queen Storytime events of 2023 and some additional resources about the need for affirming services for all children, youth and families.

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